The Marra Family

Wrona 2003

Pictures from the 2003 Wrona Reunion in Lewiston.

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Chef Len & Neil hard at work

Len show us the proper cooking form

Ron & Paul speak eye to eye

Christine rushing by

The crowd awaits the next award

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The Boston Wrona’s posing again

Lori & Michael / Chris & Linda

Christine announces award winners

Boston Wrona’s again posing

Jeff Wrona phones in from Vegas

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Paula and Son give it a try

Still waiting for an ID on this guy

Joe Marra cracks one for the kids

John D/Avolio tries it blindfolded

Everyone reaps the rewards

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Betty & Paul ready to blow out the candles

Len & Betty

Bob, Len & Betty

Maryann & Don

Donna, Martha, Paul, Ron, Maryann & Don

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I can’t hear a thing your saying, so I’ll just smile

Martha asks to use the restroom

Martha after being refuse permission

Len & Donna

Betty & Paul

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Ron & Martha

Bob & Inez

Maryann & Don

Tony & Lori
hmm….Somebody is missing here

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